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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 1: January 14th

Today started with a blessing. I felt really calm and excited this morning as we did all the last minute things. Like the last load of laundry, cleaning the bathroom, finishing with all the packing. And Brandon had a great time running around and thinking of funny things to put on sticking notes and post all over our house for the girls staying there. Sorry ladies...
But we made it to the airport with plenty of time, thank you mom and dad. No frisking or getting felt up needed, no matter what Brandon tries to tell you.
The flight from Louisville to Philadelphia was quick and exciting because we were both still awake mostly. Preparing to start the long leg of the journey... across the ocean.
Here are the pictures of the day!

This is a picture of a lego Liberty Bell that we thought Will might like!


  1. I think I finally figured out how to comment.I love reading your post. Keep it up

    Love you MOM

  2. I showed Will the lego Liberty Bell, he loved it and grinned ear to ear...Erin
